Sunday November 1st, between 2p.m. and 5 p.m.
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic we will be doing things a little differently this year. Instead of one service, you are invited to come during the afternoon at pre-arranged times for music, readings, reflections, prayers and candle-lighting in remembrance. The names of loved ones to be remembered will be read aloud.
As with other in-person services, we will follow Covid-19 protocols and etiquette. If you wish to participate in this remembrance and thanksgiving, please email the Church Office by noon on Friday 30th October to register, and provide the following three pieces of information:
*2:00 p.m. *2:45 p.m. *3:30 p.m. or *4:15 p.m.
Numbers will be limited in each time segment, so please indicate a second choice in case your preferred time-slot is unavailable. Physical distancing will be observed. Masks are required, and a "one-way" system with separate entrance and exit doors will be followed.
We hope that you will be able to join us for part of this afternoon.