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God’s solid rock under my feet,

breathing room for my soul, Psalm 62: 2

(According to the Message)


Something strange happened to me on the way to the office this morning. I arrive here before dawn most days, meaning, like many of us, I get to witness the glory of sunrise over the cove. Maybe you saw it today too, there was a majestic sunrise which reflected itself on the pillowy soft white clouds of the sky. Colors of pink, red, orange, tinged with the silver luminescence of the clouds. What was strange about this morning drive was not the color or the beauty, but what it said to, and did for, my soul.

There are many places where there is a sense of fear and worry today, on both sides of the border and the political spectrum. There is fear and worry today, as there has been since the dawn of time when change is possible- no matter who wins. Yet this feels different. It is different because I think today asks us about our willingness to be agents of love- despite the anxiety that may be around us.

Which isn't about faking it or even ignoring our emotions or those of our loved ones who are affected by the outcomes of today, rather, I think it's about making the conscious choice to anchor ourselves in God. To anchor ourselves in God just like the psalmist does in Psalm 62 which was, rather providentially, from morning prayer today.

To anchor ourselves in God, which is not about ignoring life, but about letting our life see God in the chaos too. To see God, just like I did this morning in the sunrise- as beauty shone all across the sky as a reassuring reminder- I think- of God's presence, God's love, God's hope, which created and ultimately sustains the world. A presence, a love, a hope, no darkness can take away from us.

But what does this mean practically and how might we find breathing room for our souls today? Here are some things I am thinking about. Maybe they resonate with you too:

  • Choose to disconnect from the endless news loops, speculation, and social media, which drive anxiety.

    • Maybe it's watching a good movie (I hear Conclave is really good)

    • Maybe it’s reading a beautiful book

    • Maybe it's going to the gym for some cardio or weights or for a swim


  • Choose to surround yourself with beauty.

    • Maybe it's your favorite piece of music, with a glass of wine in candle light.

    • Maybe it's treating yourself to a spa day or massage therapy appointment.

    • Maybe it's a vigorous walk or relaxed coffee at Delanies with some good friends. Friends who make us laugh with joy at life like school kids again.


  • Choose to stay connected with love.

    • Maybe its a call to our kids, or playing with our grandkids or pets

    • Maybe its a board game with our spouses

    • Maybe it's a happy hour with our closest friends

What I notice in how I think God is asking me to find breathing room for my soul today is this: to be in a deeper relationship with the source of love which is God. A source, a love, a presence, which is as vast as the heavens are wide and as close as the very breath in our lungs. A presence which brings us life. A life, source and presence, which is all around us today.

Consider coming, as you can, for our usual midweek Eucharist tomorrow at 10 am followed by bible study at 11 am, a moment which offers us a rest stop on the road of life to refill our lungs with God's freedom for our soul. There is room for all. Yes, even you.

So, friends, how might you find breathing room for your soul today?

