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Ever notice how some moments have a glow about them? Maybe it’s a great conversation, a shared meal, or—dare I say it—a vestry meeting that actually left you feeling hopeful. (Yes, miracles do happen. )

The Transfiguration is one of those moments. Jesus literally shines, and Peter—caught up in it all—wants to stay right there. But as we know, the glow doesn’t last forever. Eventually, they have to head down the mountain and back into the real world.

Kind of like us after a big moment—whether it’s a celebration, a decision-making meeting, or just a really good King Cake-fueled Mardi Gras Sunday. The light might fade, but that doesn’t mean it’s gone. It means we carry it forward.

So if last week left you feeling energized, let’s lean into that. And if you’re feeling a little post-vestry crash, that’s okay too. Either way, the light is still with us. And as we step into Lent, we walk with the confidence that God is still moving—even when things feel a little less shiny.

See you Sunday! Bring a friend, bring two!


P.S. Wear something bright—gold, purple, green, whatever makes you feel alive. Let’s bring some light into the world.