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There is something disarming, and yet confrontational, about the way Jesus invites us to see the world. Hes disarming in the way he remains so building relationships, but confrontational when explaining why any of what he does matters.

I wonder if its about being willing to see God in all things and all things in God so deeply that we are willing to let go of our needs and comforts so that others can live life like we do. I wonder if it’s about our willingness to listen to people we don't like or agree with, and leaning in to see God’s spark within them- rather than avoid them.

I wonder about this, not to suggest that we should take abuse from others or live in dangerous situations. Rather, I wonder this because of the resurrection which is promised in Mark. The resurrection which anchors us in abundant life because of how it sets us free from the grip of a story that says nothing is possible unless you fight for it, and shows us in everything we do that life is really possible because everything we have is from God for our thriving.

Life really is possible because when we live a life which seeks to deepen itself in community- the world changes. The world changes because we meet a God who shows us that we can do what is before us, which is to live a life that uses everything God has given us to advocate for God in all things and just how deeply all things belong in God.

A belonging we celebrate every week here at St. Francis!

All are welcome. And all- means all.
