The CARE MINISTRY at St. Francis-in-the Wood is grounded in our Love of God and desire to serve by being God’s hands and feet in the world. It is a shared ministry coordinated and run by volunteers in consultation with our Priest, Ven. Rev. Stephanie Shepard. This Ministry is expressed in many ways:
- Visiting Ministry: Volunteers keep in touch with fellow parishioners. Sometimes members of our parish are facing challenges and our volunteers do their best to keep in touch and walk alongside them offering companionship, love and support. If parishioners are unable to attend church we have volunteers who are able to offer them Communion at home.
- The Food Ministry supports parishioners during times of bereavement and stress. Volunteers prepare a meal and deliver it to parishioners.
- The Driving Ministry expresses our care for the earth as well as for our fellow parishioners. Volunteers drive parishioners who want to carpool but who don’t have cars or, for various reasons, are unable to drive to the services and events at the church.
- The Prayer Shawl Ministry is a form of prayer and loving service. Prayer shawls are lovingly and prayerfully knitted to be given to anyone who might need to be reminded of God's love for them. We never know how God will use these tangible signs of God’s love, and so if you know of anyone who might benefit from these prayer gifts please contact the Church Office.
- Our Card Ministry is an aspect of both our Care Ministry and our Outreach Ministry. Cards are sent on the first anniversary of Parishioners and non-parishioners who have been married or baptized at St. Francis. Bereavement cards are also sent.