St. Francis-in-the-Wood Church is for the whole family of God. From birth to grave, we are all on a journey of faith- a journey which is grown in community here at St. Francis.

Kids and families grow in their own unique ways. For some, Godly Play. will be an excellent idea for sunday worship. For others, worshiping together in the pew is what makes most sense. We have something for everyone here!

Kids play a huge role in our life together. From ringing our bell at the start of worship (yes, its a real bell!) to helping bring up the bread and wine, collection plates, and more, kids laughter and joy add to who and what we are in all aspects of our life. We offer particular ministry opportunities for children and families. 

If our kids want to stay in church with us, they are very welcome! We have a kids activity center at the back of church with things for them to use, read, and colour to their hearts content.

Worried that someone might judge you because of the noise kids make in church? Don't worry, we believe that we all sing praises to God in our own ways here, for some its musically, for some its silently, and for some, its our kids screaming too.

All are welcome, and for us here at St. Francis, All- means- All.