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“I'm telling you the most solemn and sober truth now: Whoever believes in me has real life, eternal life. I am the Bread of Life.”

John 6:47-51 (The Message: A Modern Interpretation by Eugene Peterson)


What does eternal life mean to you? Maybe its the world to come? Maybe its the idea of some reward from Jesus. Maybe its something we’ve not thought allot about. Eternal life is convoluted because, I guess, it depends how you look at it.

Eternal life could be about the next life, after death. However for me, eternal life is about the quality of my relationships. The quality of my interactions. The quality of my love. Meaning, am I willing to let me life be known for who it lets in, rather than who it collects? Am I willing to let me life be stretched and grown so I can meet the living God amongst us?

The answer is yes, yes I am. And I can say yes to being stretched and yes to a quality of life marked by who it lets in rather than who it collects because of what I am able to touch here every sunday. I am able to touch the bread of life, the very presence of God made real in bread and wine.

A touch, an experience, a moment, which forever changes me because it never fails to remind me just how beautiful my life is when its lived with Jesus. A beauty which Jesus asks you and me to share with everyone we meet via the quality of our deeper relationship together.

Come Sunday with some friends, God’s got enough for everyone here!

